Prolapsed Hemorrhoids

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Prolapsed Hemorrhoids can be a nuisance for many people around the world. Mainly, the problem is internal. The problem is located in the rectum area. Often the problem is prolapsed through the anus. To be honest, prolapsed hemorrhoids are not painful like other ones. However, they still can cause discomfort, bleeding, and other symptoms. Anyway, still to this day, people are often suffering from the problem. If you too are suffering from the problem, and need an answer to the question, do prolapsed hemorrhoids go away? Well, yes. Sometimes hemorrhoids can go away on its own. Some even go away by taking medical treatment. Just telling this won’t make you happy enough. That is why in this article, we are going to talk about Prolapsed hemorrhoids and how you can deal with the problem once and for all.

What is Prolapsed Hemorrhoids?

In common sense, everybody has hemorrhoids. Usually, they are caused due to increased pressure on your body. Such pressures include pregnancy, overweight problems, straining during a bowel movement. No, they are not dangerous but can cause massive pain, bleeding, or discomfort.

Hemorrhoids are known as piles. Piles are pillow-like cluster of veins. These veins are located just beneath the mucous membranes lining the lowest part of the human rectum and the anus. Whenever the veins become swollen and distended, you are facing the condition known as hemorrhoids. A natural explanation for this condition is that some of our veins are constantly fighting to send blood to our hearts. Anyway, hemorrhoids may look simple and natural, but not everybody suffers from this problem.

Types of Hemorrhoids

There are three types of hemorrhoids we can talk about. Yes, even hemorrhoids have differences. Now, we are going to talk about them.

Internal Hemorrhoids

Usually, these types of hemorrhoids are found inside the rectum. Internal hemorrhoids are not that much pain. However, they tend to bleed.

Prolapsed Hemorrhoids

A prolapsed hemorrhoid is another form of internal hemorrhoid. Yes, they are internal hemorrhoids but unique on their own. These hemorrhoids are very painful and discomforting. When you are going to the toilet, the veins tend to hang out of the anus. On the other hand, after suffering for a long time, the anus ring will strangulate. Which means the veins may hang out permanently.

External Hemorrhoids

These hemorrhoids feel like a huge lump in the anus area. Mainly, the small lumps bleed just under the skin.

Symptoms of Prolapsed Hemorrhoids

How can you understand that one is suffering from prolapsed hemorrhoids? What are the main symptoms? Well, the symptoms may vary in many ways. But some common symptoms can help you understand the condition. Now, we are going to discuss the conditions or symptoms of prolapsed hemorrhoids.

A Bump in the Anus

A common symptom for any prolapsed hemorrhoids is a bump. At first, when you are in the toilet and doing a bowel movement, you may come in contact with the bump. First of all, the bump is painless. However, it may feel tender in the anus area. Well, this is the swollen vein and if you constantly touch the area, the veins are likely to tender. Just like I said, the lump is painless. But the area is swollen. That may be a reason for feeling discomfort while going to the toilet. At first, it may look like damage from constipation. Anyway, the vein is swollen. This is a symptom of hemorrhoids.


While having a bowel movement, you may face bleeding. Not all the time you get to see blood inside the toilet. Even while you wipe the anus area, you may see there is blood on it. Some even find blood in their underwear between bowel movement. Typically, the blood is bright red. Not just that, the blood also looks watery. Usually, the blood that comes out from internal bleeding, or stomach area is dark, black, or tarry. But the blood from the prolapsed hemorrhoid is bright red. So, this is another symptom of prolapsed hemorrhoids.


When people have prolapsed hemorrhoids, they are always feeling itchy in the anus area. First of all, there is a lump in the anus area. That lump is not big but there. As the area is swollen and red, you may feel a little bit itchy all the time. The itchiness gets more uncomfortable when it comes in contact with water or when you are in the toilet. Not too much though. However, itchiness is another symptom of prolapsed hemorrhoids.


When you have prolapsed hemorrhoids, at first you will not find any difference in your stool at all. But as the day passes and you develop more and more problems, the stool may come out with blood.

Feeling Uncomfortable

In the beginning, prolapsed hemorrhoids are no big deal. Yes, at first, you may not feel anything at all. However, when the prolapsed hemorrhoid gets large it may trigger a general feeling of slight pain and discomfort. Maybe an incomplete evacuation of one bowel. This may occur even if you are not releasing stool or taking a dump. Also, there might be a little tenderness while bowel movement. Not just that, even if there is a slight touch on your hemorrhoid, you are feeling discomfort. Sitting down can be a pain. Irritation is the only feeling you are getting. However, pain is unusual for prolapsed or internal hemorrhoids. SO, you will not feel any pain. On the other hand, you are always irritated with your bowel movement or anus area. This is a big symptom of prolapsed hemorrhoids.

Is Prolapsed Hemorrhoids Painful or Not?

Earlier we said, it is unusual for prolapsed hemorrhoids to hurt. However, if you are standing or lying down, you may not feel the pain. On the other hand, prolapsed hemorrhoids can be painful while sitting or bowel movements. Not just that, it can be very painful is blood clot s formed inside hemorrhoid. But no need to worry. The blood clot in hemorrhoids is not as dangerous as the blood clot in your heart. To get rid of the pain, you may need to lance or drain hemorrhoids.  If strangulated, a prolapsed hemorrhoid can cause massive pain indeed. When the blood supply to the hemorrhoid is cut down, we call them strangulated. So, it is common to feel massive pain in the end. Anyway, this is all when hemorrhoids are in serious condition.

Causes for Developing Prolapsed Hemorrhoids

When you are doing any bowel movement, the veins around the anus area stretch under pressure. For this reason, it may swell or bulge a bit. Due to this pressure, one may develop hemorrhoids in the lower rectum. Anyway, when it comes to prolapsed hemorrhoids, there are many reasons you can develop it. Now, we are going to talk about them.

Straining During Bowel Movements

Any hemorrhoid can become prolapsed if the tissue holding it together weakens. You will find several possible causes for weakening the connective tissue of hemorrhoids. Straining can always put a lot of extra pressure on your hemorrhoids. Not just that, in terms of diarrhea or constipation, there are always chances of straining. This is a major cause of developing prolapsed hemorrhoids.


Pregnancy can also increase the risk of developing prolapsed hemorrhoids. Researches show that up to 40% of women develop prolapsed hemorrhoids when they are pregnant. When one is bearing a child, there is more pressure on the rectum area. So, when one is doing bowel movements, they are always straining. Most of the time, women left the hemorrhoids untreated. Which means, the expect the problem to go away on its own. Maybe some think that this is due to her pregnancy. After a while, the development becomes prolapsed.

Obesity or Excess Weight

Most of the time, prolapsed hemorrhoids are caused by putting extra pressure on your lower rectum area. Not to mention, straining during bowel movements. Gaining extra weight is not just bad or your heart but for your whole body. Obesity can put a lot of strain on the rectal veins. Obesity is not just the cause for prolapsed but internal hemorrhoids too.


Smoking is really bad for your blood veins. Yes, even for the rectal veins. Smoking too much can always cause severe damage to your blood veins. This is also a cause of hemorrhoids.

Spending too Much Time on the Toilet

Many people do have a bad habit of sitting a lot during they are taking a dump. What harm can sitting do to you? Sitting too much puts a lot of pressure on your rectal veins. When you are stressed or having a bad time, sitting and thinking can put a lot of stress on your body. For this, you cannot get a good idea about your body. But the veins are always restraining in the rectal area. Even when you are sitting on the toilet for too long, you can always try to clear out all the stool from your body. Yes, this is a bad habit for many people around the world. As they have a busy schedule for the day, always clearing out stool is going to help you a lot. Well, that is what they think. For this reason, they are always spending a lot of time in the toilet. Even if the stool is not coming out, you are straining. This is bad for the hemorrhoids. Most of the time, prolapsed hemorrhoids are caused by spending a lot of time sitting or just restraining on the toilet for too long.

Having Anal Intercourse

Anal sex is a quite popular practice for many people around the world. But it sure has some bad effects on your body. Having anal intercourse can damage your rectum veins. May look tough on the outside, but anal veins or tissues are fragile. So, they tend to swell or develop lumps after having anal intercourse. This is bad for your hemorrhoids. Because the veins in your anal area will receive damage. Sometimes, it can lead to bleeding. So, having anal intercourse is another major cause of developing prolapsed hemorrhoids.

Heavy Lifting Regularly

For athletes who are constantly working on heavy lifting may develop prolapsed hemorrhoids. No, I am not saying every heavy lifter may develop this problem. However, when you are heavy lifting, you need to follow a certain diet to back your body up. Yes, heavy lifting can put a lot of pressure on your body. But if your body is not up to heavy lifting and you are doing it regularly, chances are that you might develop hemorrhoids.

Consuming Non-fiber Diet

Having a lot of fiber in your diet is good. Honestly, it’s your stool that is benefited. When you don’t consume fiber foods, your stool can always become hard. This always leads to constipation. Fibre s an essential element for your digestive system. Not to mention that fiber can always increase the rate of good blood flow in your body. So, not having fiber foods on your diet can lead to prolapsed hemorrhoids.

Not Drinking Enough Water/ Constipation or Diarrhea

Drinking a lot of water is beneficial for your kidney and skin. Also, this is important for your body tissues. The same goes for hemorrhoids. Without drinking fiber foods or enough water, you may develop constipation. When you face constipation, you are straining for the stool to come out. On the other hand, the tissue on your rectal area cannot handle the pressure. The tissue in the anus area is very fragile. So, drink a lot of water to keep your stool normal.

Infections and Tumors

Developing infections and tumors in the anus area can also lead you to prolapsed hemorrhoids. For most people, infections from not cleaning the anus or having anal intercourse are the common cause. Also, blood coagulation disorders can cause prolapsed hemorrhoids. Not to mention there are a few perianal skin diseases such that can lead to hemorrhoids. Also, bowel disorders such as ulcerative colitis can be a major reason for prolapsed hemorrhoids. So, it turns out that, skin disease and other infections can always lead you to hemorrhoids.

Types of Prolapsed Hemorrhoids

So, when there is a protrusion beyond the rectum area, you can consider it to be a prolapsed hemorrhoid. To understand if it is truly prolapsed or not, one needs to consult their physician. However, judging by the cause and symptoms, we can be assured that there are different grades of prolapsed hemorrhoids. Most of the time, there is no bleeding, just a lump. Sometimes you may feel pain. Depending on all these things, prolapsed hemorrhoids are divided into 4 grades. Now, we are going to talk about them.

Grade 1 Prolapsed Hemorrhoid

The first stage of prolapsed hemorrhoids. They are prominent. However, these hemorrhoids do not protrude in the anal canal. There may be a little bleeding of course. There is not too much pain anyway.

Grade 2 Prolapsed Hemorrhoid

In this sort of hemorrhoid, internal hemorrhoids will prolapse out of the anal canal. Most of the time, when you are doing any bowel movement, this may occur. However, hemorrhoid spontaneously retracts back inside your anal canal. In this grade, you might feel discomfort while sitting around.

Grade 3 Prolapsed Hemorrhoid

For this grade, hemorrhoid extends out of your anal canal while bowel movement. Most of the time if you are straining a lot, hemorrhoid gets out. But unlike grade 2 prolapsed hemorrhoids, you have to manually push hemorrhoids to get inside. In this grade, seeking medical attention is a must. However, this is not an urgent stage. But keeping safe is a must.

Grade 4 Prolapsed Hemorrhoid

The major grade for any prolapsed hemorrhoid. In this case, internal hemorrhoids prolapsed outside the anal canal. But you won’t be able to push hemorrhoid back inside your rectum. They cannot be pushed back and you cannot keep your hemorrhoids inside. Most of the time, grade 4 hemorrhoids can become strangulated. The pressure from the anal sphincter can always block the blood pressure. Seeking medical treatment is a must for this grade.

Diagnosis for Prolapsed Hemorrhoids

How can you diagnose prolapsed hemorrhoids? Diagnosis can help you understand what grade your hemorrhoids are in. So, medical diagnosis is very important. Doctors can easily understand or find external hemorrhoids. However, to find out internal or prolapsed hemorrhoids, you need to test on your own. Most of the time, people are confused or embarrassed about whether they should consult a doctor for a diagnosis. But you need to put the thought aside. Anyway, there are two ways you can diagnose your prolapsed hemorrhoids. For diagnosing prolapsed hemorrhoids, the doctor needs to check the rectum and anal canal.

Digital Diagnosis

For this diagnosis, the doctor will insert gloves or a lubricated finger inside your rectum. By doing this, the doctor feels the unusual growth inside your rectum.

Visual Diagnosis

Prolapsed hemorrhoids are often very soft and very hard to identify doing a rectal examination. So, turning on with an anoscope, proctoscope, or sigmoidoscope, they can identify the prolapsed hemorrhoids.

However, sometimes the doctor may try to use colonoscopy. But when do they do that? Mainly, they use a colonoscopy during these times:

  • When the doctor finds that you also have some symptoms of another digestive disease.
  • When you have colorectal cancer risk, they do a colonoscopy exam
  • Middle-aged men need this exam
  • People who didn’t have a colonoscopy test recently

How to Prevent Prolapsed Hemorrhoids?

When you see the symptoms and effects of prolapsed hemorrhoids, you may not need treatment at first immediately. Rather, try to solve the problem on your own. We are talking about managing hemorrhoids. When things get serious than you might need to consult a medical expert. However, since you are thinking that you might reach prolapsed hemorrhoids, you might try to manage it. How to do so? Weare going to give you some tips on this matter.

  • At first, try out some hemorrhoid products. There are many ointments, suppository for a change. Products containing hydrocortisone. However, make sure the products are not harmful to your body. Check out f the ingredients are fine or you are not allergic.
  • Consuming high on fiber can manage your prolapsed hemorrhoids. Foods that contain fiber can soften your stool. These types of food also help your metabolism. Fiber can also help you reduce straining during any bowel movement.
  • When you are feeling the symptoms of prolapsed hemorrhoids, soaking your body or lower half in a hot bath can be helpful. Maybe a bath for 10 to 15 minutes can help you a lot.
  • Cleanliness can also keep your hemorrhoids to stay normal. Most of the time infections cause prolapsed hemorrhoids. So, using moist towelettes can be helpful. If you don’t have towelettes, a similar type of damp wipe can also help you. But make sure the wipe is free from alcohol.
  • Ice packs on the anal area can also reduce swelling.

How to Get Rid of Prolapsed Hemorrhoids?

Do prolapsed hemorrhoids go away on their own? This is a good question. However, this may not be on the positive side. But one thing for sure. You need proper self-care, medication, and other things to cure the problem. Now, we are going to talk about the cure or medication for a prolapsed hemorrhoid medication.


First of all, we need to talk about the self-caring method first. Yes, seeking proper medication is very important. But there are things you must take into consideration first. The self-caring procedure is very important. Earlier, we talked about how to prevent prolapsed hemorrhoids. Anyway, first of all, you need to take care of yourself. Soaking your lower body part in a hot bath will help you a lot. Just 10 to 15 minutes will help a lot. Keeping yourself clean is important.

Even after having prolapsed hemorrhoids, keeping yourself clean is very important. When you are feeling a lump, using an ice bag is very important. One needs to avoid straining during any bowel movement while passing the stool. Having 20-30 grams of fiber food on your daily diet routine can help soften the stool. Staying active and always on the move can be very effective. Avoiding anal intercourse is also very important. Even when you have developed the symptoms, taking self-care is very important.


When your hemorrhoids are not fixing on their own, you need to seek proper medication. Otherwise, you might feel a lot of problems or discomfort later on. For the first 3 grade hemorrhoids, you might want to seek proper medication. Most of the time, it is all about grade 2 prolapsed hemorrhoids treatment. Here is the medication for prolapsed hemorrhoids.

Asking Your Physician

After finding the symptoms and the indications of prolapsed hemorrhoids, you must consult your doctor. The doctor will determine if it is a prolapsed hemorrhoid or not. He or she will give you prescriptions for getting medicines. For any prolapsed hemorrhoid, there are a lot of products such as:

  • Prolapsed hemorrhoid cream
  • Tablets
  • Stool Softener
  • Gels

However, asking for medication always includes diagnosis and taking initial steps for reducing prolapsed hemorrhoids.

Eating a lot of Fiber Full Diet

The best way to reduce prolapsed hemorrhoids is by reducing pressure on your anal area. Most of the time, excess pressure is the main reason why you develop and worsen the condition. However, when you have developed the problem, try to reduce the pressure. Softening the stool is a major way to do so. Eating food filled with fiber can help you do so. Try to eat foods that contain a lot of fiber.

Using Tropical Treatment

We discussed this topic earlier. First, go consult a doctor. After finding a prescription, try to get the stool softener or tablets for the treatment. Often, this works for grade 1 and grade 2 prolapsed hemorrhoids. Taking suppository containing hydrocortisone, or use pads containing witch hazel or a numbing agent for better results.

Soaking Yourself in a Warm Bath

Soaking the lower part of your body in a warm bath for 10-15 minutes can help you get rid of slight pain and discomfort. Yes, when you are facing prolapsed hemorrhoids, you need to be careful. The rectum area may lump and get swollen. However, soaking yourself in a warm bath can help you get the pain and discomfort to lessen.

Minimally Invasive Procedures for Prolapsed Hemorrhoids

If the hemorrhoids bleeding is persistent or in the grade 4 hemorrhoid treatment situation, the doctor moves on with minimally invasive treatment procedures. For prolapsed hemorrhoids, the rubber band ligation. However, these are the main process you can reduce your prolapsed hemorrhoids problem.

  • Rubber Band Ligation: For this treatment, the doctor places one or two small rubber bands around the prolapsed hemorrhoid. By this, he cuts off the blood circulation. Mainly, this will stop the blood circulation in the hemorrhoid veins. And within a week, hemorrhoids will shrink into a small piece. But like we said, a hemorrhoid is not a severe problem. But sometimes it can be a bad thing.
  • Injections: This is also known as sclerotherapy. For this treatment, the doctor will inject an injection into the hemorrhoid tissue. The injection is filled with a chemical solution. However, the chemical solution will help to shrink hemorrhoids. No need to worry, the injection will cause no pain. Well, some people may feel slight pain. But most of the time, there is no pain. But this solution is less effective than rubber band ligation.
  • Coagulation: Coagulation is more of an advanced process of hemorrhoid treatment. This is a technique or treatment method using a laser, infrared light, or heat. By this process, the process can harden or shrivel the prolapsed hemorrhoids. But this is not a good process for many people. Most of the time, it causes discomfort and has some side effects.

Prolapsed Hemorrhoids Surgery

Surgery is the most invasive way to reduce hemorrhoids. For this, there is two way you can do so.

Hemorrhoid Removal

The medical term of this process is called Hemorrhoidectomy. For this surgery, the surgeon will remove the excess tissue that is causing bleeding. To complete the surgery, the surgeon will need local anesthesia combines with sedation, general anesthesia. Not to mention, this is the most effective way for one to completely treat prolapsed hemorrhoids. Most of the time, for grade 4 prolapsed hemorrhoids treatment, hemorrhoidectomy is the best way. However, there are some complications of course. Temporarily emptying your bladder can be tough. It can also lead to urinary tract infections. However, the complication is right after spinal anesthesia. Right after surgery, people may feel pain. Anyway, taking medical relief will help a lot.

Hemorrhoid Stapling

Also known as stapled hemorrhoidopexy. This procedure mainly blocks blood flow to hemorrhoidal tissue. Typically, the procedure is widely used for prolapsed hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoidectomy can cause a lot of pain. But stapling involves less pain. However, if we compare the process with hemorrhoidectomy, it can involve high risk or recurrence and rectal prolapse. And in that case, the rectum protrudes from the anus. There are other complications such as bleeding, urinary retention is there. Some people may face a life-threatening blood infection such as sepsis. So, which procedure is better for you? The doctor gets to decide that.

Final Verdict

A prolapsed hemorrhoid is not that of a big deal. We all have hemorrhoids. However, middle-aged people are likely to develop prolapsed hemorrhoids. Maybe this is not as severe as external hemorrhoids. But they can cause discomfort.  Also, not giving attention to this matter can have a bad impact on your rectal area. So, when you are beginning to develop the problem, taking the measurement is very important. Also, you are having a problem with putting a lot of pressure on your bowel movements, you must take steps to prevent prolapsed hemorrhoids. Anyway, if you do have prolapsed hemorrhoids, no need to worry. Prolapsed hemorrhoids icd 10 can help you. In this context, we tried to give you tips and ideas about prolapsed hemorrhoids. Hopefully, you will not be so surprised or embarrassed now. If the situation is getting out of hand, go consult a doctor, and find the right medication.
