How to cure external hemorrhoids at home?

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Hemorrhoids are prevalent, with extreme pain and itching around the anal region. This is caused by swelling of blood vessels, mainly veins of the lower rectum and anus. 

What is a hemorrhoid?

Hemorrhoid is a clinical condition where veins at the lower rectum and anal canal get swollen due to pressure. This pressure may be caused by bowel movements or constipation. 

There are several types of hemorrhoids according to the condition and position of swollen veins.

  • Internal hemorrhoid: It is invisible from the outside. It is found at the inside of the lower rectum and is usually painless. Rectal bleeding with stool might be the first symptom of internal hemorrhoid.
  • External hemorrhoid: This type is the swollen veins outside the anus and has severe pain with itching and discomfort.
  • Prolapsed hemorrhoid: When swollen veins of internal hemorrhoids bulge out of the anus is known as prolapsed hemorrhoid. Usually, internal hemorrhoids are painless, but prolapsed hemorrhoid has severe pain.
  • Thrombosed hemorrhoid: This type of hemorrhoid is clogged hemorrhoids with no blood circulation because of a clot. You will find some matching between external and thrombosed hemorrhoids.

Here in this article, we will discuss external hemorrhoids only.

We know external hemorrhoids are generally found at the anal opening, and this one is harrowing, especially when it becomes thrombosed, i.e., when blood clots inside of it. There are some distinct causes behind external hemorrhoids.

Causes of hemorrhoids:

  • Stressing too much during bowel movements.
  • Constipation.
  • Chronic diarrhea.
  • Anal intercourse.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Eating a low fiber diet.
  • Drinking less water.

An external hemorrhoid is an asymptomatic disease. And this one is very much similar to other types of hemorrhoids.

Common symptoms of external hemorrhoid:

  • Stinging and vexation during the anal opening.
  • Swelling.
  • Itching.
  • Bleeding while defecating.
  • Inflammation.
  • Heavy pain.

Diagnosis of external hemorrhoid:

As an external hemorrhoid is placed outside of the anal opening, this can be diagnosed very quickly. The diagnosis processes are:

  • Physical examination.
  • Digital Rectal Examination.
  • Anoscopy.
  • Sigmoidoscopy.

The treatment procedure of external hemorrhoids:

If you are diagnosed with external hemorrhoids, your doctor will follow a definite treatment sequence according to the necessity. We are presenting the treatments below:

  • Medication: If you have very mild pain or minor irritation due to piles, your doctor may suggest cream, suppositories, pads, or ointments which contain lidocaine and hydrocortisone to decrease the pain and swelling temporarily.
  • Non-surgical procedure: If you don’t want to have surgery, the doctor may offer you a non-surgical procedure. You can choose the non-surgical method for both internal and external hemorrhoids. These treatments are:
  1. Rubber band ligation: Here, Two rubber bands are used to close the base of hemorrhoid. The bands stop blood circulation. Within a few days, the swollen part can fall because it doesn’t get nutrition from blood.
  2. Sclerotherapy: In this treatment, the doctor gives an injection to shrink hemorrhoids.
  3. Coagulation: Here, doctors use infrared or laser light to clot the blood inside a hemorrhoid. Thus it shrinks and hardens.
  • Surgical procedure: If the patient has consented, then doctors would do surgery to remove hemorrhoids. There will be local anesthesia used for surgery. These surgeries are:
  1. Hemorrhoidectomy.
  2. Hemorrhoid staple.

But it is not always necessary to do surgery or to go to a doctor for hemorrhoids treatment. Nature has enriched us with her pure healing ingredients as hemorrhoid treatments. Let’s know how you can cure external hemorrhoids at home.

Home remedies for external hemorrhoids:

  • Warm bath: A lukewarm bathtub is extremely useful to alleviate pain because it relaxes the sphincter and muscles. Take heat water within the tub and soak your orifice for fifteen minutes. It would be best if you tried this every day.
  • Ice cubes: Hemorrhoids are mainly caused by the swelling of rectal veins. Cold can shrink those. Take some ice cubes during a bag and sit there for ten to fifteen minutes. Repeat this twice or thrice daily.
  • Witch Hazel: Witch hazel is a natural way to cure hemorrhoids for its astringent property. Make a witch hazel solution and drench cotton balls in it. Now, apply it to the hemorrhoids regularly.
  • Coconut Oil: Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties and anti-bacterial properties. You have to apply coconut oil to the infected area. You can do it using your finger. Do this three times daily.
  • Garlic: Garlic is an excellent natural solution for hemorrhoids. Make a solution mixing garlic and water. Soak some cotton balls into the solution and apply cotton balls to the hemorrhoid swelling area.
  • Black tea: Black tea is very well known for its tannic acid to relieve inflammation. Just make some black tea without sugar and let it cool up to being lukewarm. Then apply it three times a day with cotton balls.
  • Apple cider vinegar: This one is an excellent use just in comforting piles of pain. It helps to shrink the blood vessels and tissue of the anal area. To use it, take a cotton ball and soak it into apple vinegar. Then, apply a wet cotton ball directly on hemorrhoids.
  • Do not sit, squat: Squatting is helpful rather than sitting while defecating. Due to the anorectal angle of the human body, squatting eases the normal bowel movement through the rectum. So make a habit of squatting.
  • Try stool softeners: Since constipation is a significant cause behind piles, it may reduce pain while defecating if we can make stool soft. There are several stool softeners on the market. Get the right one, according to your doctor.
  • Drink a lot of water: Water fuses stool naturally. If the stool is soft, there requires less pressure to defecate, and therefore, getting hemorrhoids will also reduce. Drink water regularly as much as possible.
  • Eat fiber-enriched foods: Fibre-enriched foods absorb water from digestive tracks and soften the stool. Thus, it reduces the risk of hemorrhoids.
  • Do not fight the urge: When you need to go to the toilet, then go. Please do not skip it forcefully. If you do so, stool loses more water in the rectum and becomes hard, and causes constipation which is a prime reason behind hemorrhoid.
  • Do not stress hard: If you feel a problem while defecating, do not push harder. Just try again later. If you pressure hard, then the soft tissues at the anal canal will be stretched and cause hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are very discomforting diseases with severe pain and bleeding. Try the remedies mentioned above. This will cure external hemorrhoids permanently.

